Alcohol Awareness Workshops

The London Bus Theatre Company provides drama workshops on alcohol awareness to combat the rise of binge drinking among teenage boys and girls.

Get help with alcohol awareness, from one of the most respected Theatre in Education companies in the United Kingdom

It is imperative that, we, as a community, do our utmost to support schools in delivering alcohol awareness.

Preventative education must be a preferred option for our pupils. Empowering young people with the ability to say “No” to home and peer pressure is not always easy to deliver in schools, either due to lack of resources or pupils being too young to take advantage of available literature. Many teachers are very aware of the importance and success of cognitive methodology in enabling social skills to develop in young people. This can often be best delivered through theatre companies working in partnership with the teaching profession.

The alcohol workshop is fifty minutes in length and consists of drama warm up games including usage of the “drunk and disorderly” alcohol goggles. A discussion section with a giant inflatable bottle is used as a reference to represent alcohol and units. Pupils devise short plays on alcohol and Forum Theatre is applied. Topics covered in the forum are alcohol and health issues, peer pressure and personal safety.

What we provide

Activity workshops

Relevant P.S.H.E material


Handouts and Info

Our other workshops

Hire the professionals

Get in touch with The London Bus Theatre Company for further information on our drug awareness and anti smoking workshops for your school or college.

Costs are £150 per workshop plus travel if applicable.

Our alcohol awareness books & DVD’s

The anti-smoking DVD and lesson plan compliment PSHE requirements.

“Nutter” DVD

“Nutter” expertly shows how a mobile phone blog is used to prevent bullying.

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