Confidence building and job interview technique workshops

The London Bus Theatre Company offers confidence-building and job interview techniques workshops to help students to move towards employment and increase their employability.

Get help with confidence-building, from one of the most respected Theatre in Education companies in the United Kingdom

Our workshop focuses on body language, voice and posture, presenting oneself positively for interviews, how to release nervous energy and make a professional telephone call to a potential future employer. Students watch an interview performed by actors and are given the opportunity to practice their interview techniques in a safe and supportive environment with role-play. The participants are given a comprehensive resource pack to keep at the end of the workshop.

The workshop is approximately one hour fifteen minutes in length and can accommodate a maximum of thirty students. We can provide up to four workshops per day.

What we provide

Activity workshops


Handouts and Info

Our other workshops

Hire the professionals

Get in touch with The London Bus Theatre Company for further information on our confidence-building and job interview techniques workshops for your school or college.

Cost £150.00 per workshop plus travel if applicable.

Our bullying books & DVD’s

Our anti-bullying DVD and bullying lesson plan compliment PSHE requirements.

DVDs will go here

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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