Key Stage 1 Workshop games and forum theatre

The London Bus Theatre Company offers drama workshops and DVDs to schools, colleges and youth organisations as part of their social studies programmes and PSHE requirements.

Get help with key stage 1 topics, from one of the most respected Theatre in Education companies in the United Kingdom

The Key Stage 1 Drugs and Medicines workshop includes drama games and Forum Theatre. Group discussion covers the role of medicines (both prescribed and over the counter) in promoting health and the reasons people use them.

Where we might find unsafe substances, what to do in a dangerous situation, who can help. People who are involved with medicines, who we can trust to give us medicine. When and why we have injections, what to do if we find a needle on the ground. The chemicals found in cigarettes and people we can talk to about drugs and medicines.

The lesson plan compliments PSHE requirements.

The drugs and medicines workshop is fifty minutes in length, suitable for
Year 2 and can accommodate up to 60 children at a time.

What we provide

Activity workshops

Relevant P.S.H.E material


Handouts and Info

Our other workshops

Hire the professionals

Get in touch with The London Bus Theatre Company for further information on our bulling workshops for your school or college.

Cost £150.00 per workshop plus travel if applicable.

Our key stage 1 books & DVD’s

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