The London Bus Theatre Company is committed to conducting its business in accordance with all applicable Data Protection legislation. In our Data Protection Policy we outline this commitment including the rights of individuals under the GDPR. This policy is available on request at anytime.
In order to help people who use our services to understand how and why personal data is collected, used and stored we have prepared this Privacy Notice. The notice is broken down into sections which relate to each area of our service. These sections will be made available to individuals when they sign up to use those services and the full Privacy Notice available is available on request and on The London Bus Theatre Company website
Who we are:
The London Bus Theatre Company is a registered CIC (005870025)
Our offices are:
37 Chestnut Close, Hockley, Essex SS5 5EQ
Davids House, Chapel Amble, Cornwall PL27 6EU
Contact can be made via post to the above address or
Telephone: 07831 514811
Get in touch.
We hope that the obligations outlined in this Privacy Statement help you to understand how we process your data, however if you do have any questions about anything in this statement or about our data protection processes:
Please contact Katherine Austen on 07831 514811 or email
How do we store your data?
We store registration and monitoring forms on paper in a locked filing cabinet.
We store photographs and films digitally.
How long do we keep data?
We keep personal data on registration forms for the length of a project. This is generally 3-5 years.
We put together reports on our services and beneficiaries on at least an annual basis. This information is required by our funders and to help us design services for the future.
Our reports contain anonymised data and statistics that are retained indefinitely but do not contain any information that can be linked to an identified individual and therefore are not subject to the GDPR.
Who can access my data?
The London Bus Theatre Company staff.
How will we use your data?
Support service – Your contact details will be used to communicate with you about getting involved in community activites, particularly those that you have expressed an interest in or chosen to pursue.
Monitoring our service – Special Categories of personal data are collected in order for us to understand the demography of people we support. This information as an anonymised report may be shared with our funders. You do not have to provide this information and will be able to choose when you register with us.
If you have provided this information but would like it to be removed, please let us know.
Information relating to the work we carry out with you including the content of emails and activities you enquire about are also also stored to help us monitor our service.
Staying in touch – From time to time we send out information on our services, this includes new opportunities, events and community news. You can opt out of receiving these updates at anytime by contacting Katherine Austen, The London Bus Theatre Company.
Employment – we use the information that you have given us in order to pay you and send you itinery details.
The London Bus Theatre Company recognises that a photograph is categorised as a “special category of personal data” under the GDPR. When your image is taken for use by The London Bus Theatre Company for promotional purposes and projects you will sign a model release form which gives consent for your image to be used as detailed below:
. Photographs/video taken and any reproductions may be used by The London Bus Theatre Company for any advertising purposes of for the purposes of illustrating any wording.
. The photographs/video may be used in promotional material, but not limted to, promotional flyers, filming projects, website, posters, social media and display boards, with any reasonable retouching or alteration.
Hard copies of the model release form are stored in a locked filing cabinet.
Only specified staff have access to your data.
During the recruitment process The London Bus Theatre Company will process data relating to applicants. This information is requested and processed for a legitimate business reason to aid selection of a candidate. Information received as part of the process is securely stored throughout the recruitment process. Information pertaining to applicants who are not selected for interview will be securely destroyed once they have been notified of this decision. Information pertaining to applicants who are selected for interview will be retained until 12 months after interview.
Your rights
Your full rights under Data Protection are outlined in our Data Protection Policy. If you would like to see a copy please contact Katherine Austen on 07831 514811 or email:
. You have the right to see the data we hold about you and we will provide this to you free of charge (terms and conditions outlined in our Data Protection Policy) on request.
. You have the right to request any innacurate or incomplete data that we hold on you is corrected.
. You have the right to request that data is removed from our database. The London Bus Theatre Company reserve the right to retain data where there is a legitimate interest.
. You have the right to request that no further processing is carried out on your data.
. You have the right to request that The London Bus Theatre Company transfer your personal data to a different service provider and this will be complied with free of charge where it is technically feasible to do so (terms and conditions outlined in our Data Protection Policy).
. You have the right to object to The London Bus Theatre Company processing data on legitimate interest and The London Bus Theatre Company will put a hold on processing and consider all objections raised.
Your right to complain
If you feel that The London Bus Theatre Company is not complying with Data Protection Legislation you have the right to lodge a complaint to the ICO.
For full details of how to do this visit the ICO website or call their helpline on 0303 123 1113.
Changes to policy
The London Bus Theatre Company board of Directors will review this Privacy Statement alongside the Data Protection Policy on an annual basis and the updated document will be made available on request.