Drugs Awareness Workshops & Anti Smoking Advice
The London Bus Theatre Company provides drama workshops on drugs awareness, with a focus on cigarette smoking.
Get help with drug awareness, from one of the most respected Theatre in Education companies in the United Kingdom
We believe being offered cigarettes is the first opportunity children are given to find the wherewithal to be assertive in relation to potential problems with drugs.
The majority of people who take up smoking do so in adolescence.
As the incidence of cigarette smoking amongst teenage girls is approaching epidemic proportions, schools welcome the chance for students to find the means to resist social trends simply by learning to be assertive
The workshops enable this to happen by means of first taking the children through revolutionary games, and then allowing them to re-enact the subject matter in an immediate and interactive theatrical format. Forum theatre, where the students provide all the action, is both exciting and devastatingly instructive. The workshop considers: tobacco and health issues, peer pressure and advertising.
The drugs workshop is one hour in length, suitable for Key Stages 2 and Year 7 and can accommodate up to 60 children at a time.
What we provide
Our other workshops
Hire the professionals
Get in touch with The London Bus Theatre Company for further information on our drug awareness and anti smoking workshops for your school or college.
Costs are £150 per workshop plus travel if applicable.
Our drug awareness books & DVD’s
The anti-smoking DVD and lesson plan compliment PSHE requirements.